Why would someone who wants for nothing actively contribute to ecological destruction?
What special brain trauma is going on?
Hi Everyone,
From out of nowhere someone that I don’t know, but that knows me from my writing, sent me a simple note:
I’d be interested in seeing a piece on how climate change is a pernicious example of moral hazard. I don’t know if you’ve already written one.
First I thought the choice words warranted a pause…
“pernicious example of moral hazard.”
So I decided to double check what he was trying to say with the words “moral hazard”. According to the dictionary it means; when one person/entity enters into a contract in bad faith. And that got me thinking about the last time we experienced a glaring example of “bad faith” —> COP26.
The great tragedy of the whole COP meeting process is that one party had no intention of doing what was needed to protect our climate. But then again we should have know that the minute that the ink dried on the failed Paris Accords on Dec. 12, 2015, at COP21.
Even back then the language was far too weak. That was when we should have stood up and demanded more but instead we entered into a “contract” based on nothing but hope. And yet, I don’t think we were deceived - I think we all knew that the agreement was in bad faith but the question that I find interesting is:
What drives that bad faith? Are slimy politicians to blame or are they just weak and opportunistic? And if that’s the case…then who’s pulling the strings? Who controls and “sells” the dangerous narrative that has come to define climate change? Let’s cut to the chase…
Why are people who want for nothing, driven to hoard more money at the expense of a planet in ecological and social crisis?
What motivates billionaires? That’s what I want to know. Here are my top three guesses.
Power and Influence
Psychopathic Greed
Delusions of Grandeur
What do you think?
February 2022
If you want to be more involved and even contribute ideas to my work please consider becoming a paid contributor to my substack community, “Climate Change is Coming for Us”. You can also follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, or on Medium.
"Why are people who want for nothing, driven to hoard more money at the expense of a planet in ecological and social crisis?"
Narcissism, in addition to the aforementioned dopamine feedback and capitalism/consumerism. The current system rewards behaviour that brings them more money, they are very good at playing that game, and they truly don't give a shit for anything that can't somehow bring them gratification and another dopamine hit.
Every new datum is filtered through the lens of "how does this affect me?", and if the answer is, "not much, I can use my money to shield myself", or "I'll be dead by then", the datum is discounted or discarded.
Inability to feel empathy.
Dopamine addiction.
The first time you earn, say $10,000 dollars with your own business, you get a rush. To achieve that same feeling again next time, it needs to be $20,000. Then $40,000, etc., etc.
Obviously, the math isn't exact but, broadly speaking, it is the behaviour of addiction.