About Brad Zarnett

Brad is a sustainability and climate change strategist based in Toronto, Canada.

His journey in sustainability began in 2005, and as with any journey it has taken many twists and turns that have provided invaluable knowledge and insights along the way.

Today, Brad's mission is to help alter the way that business is conducted to ensure “sustainable profits” rather than profits at all costs. He is doing this work through his company Climobilize which started the Scorpion’s Tail Club. You can learn more here:


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Subscribe to Climate Change Is Coming For Us

We keep failing to deal with climate change in any meaningful way. What if we gave the economic system new guardrails so that we could be clear on what was "in-bounds" vs. "out-of-bounds" behaviour?


Co-Founder at Climobilize - the creator of The Scorpion's Tail Club. Our mission is to help catalyze a change in the conditions for economic growth to ensure "planetary solvency".