About Brad Zarnett

Brad is a sustainability and climate change strategist, writer, activist and speaker based in Toronto, Canada. His mission is to expose the misinformation coming from corporations, their media network and the corrupt politicians who do their bidding.

Brad regularly calls out companies and governments that fail to respect the science of climate change. He calls 2050 net zero an environmental fantasy and he believes that incremental change is no longer a viable option, “we have a systems problem that requires a complete shift in our thinking.”

We can only begin to look for serious solutions when we admit the problem!!

In 2007 when corporate sustainability was still quite new to boardrooms, Brad launched what became the most successful regular sustainability speaker series event on the planet, known as the Toronto Sustainability Speaker Series (TSSS). After 10 years, 42 events and thousands of live and virtual attendees, the events abruptly ended.

Brad had seen enough. Corporate sustainability was failing to deliver on its promise to deliver a more sustainable world. Yes, there was less harm going into the system but it was not having the desired change in output; in terms of climate change, plastic pollution, biodiversity loss, species extinction and general human exploitation.

Brad’s also publishes on medium where he has been recognized as a top contributor in the category of Climate Change.

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You’re scared for the future!

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Subscribe to Climate Change Is Coming For Us

Government and corporations have completely failed to address climate change in any meaningful way. We must compel then to take meaningful and disruptive action.


Co-Founder at Climobilize - the creator of The Scorpion's Tail Club. Our mission is to help catalyze a change in the conditions for economic growth to ensure "planetary solvency".