Really nice thought piece that resonates. I hope your call for mobilising change works. One of the things that I always despair about:

Are humans truly capable of acting in the interest of the greater good, no matter what the cost? Are we different from rats greedy to gobble up cheese even though we are rats that are sentient enough to understand and foresee the pain of the mousetrap that'll snap its jaws on our greedy rat faces?

Capitalism exists due to our greed, and inventing a new system based on doing good does not seem to gel with our greedy hearts. Would we be any different from the 1% if we were part of the 1%?

When faced with impossible challenges our brains like to dumb down and round things off to whole numbers. 2050, 2100, 1.5 degrees, 2 degrees. All arbitrary non physical limits. I think sadly its only when chaos breaks out that action will follow, as 2020 as shown. The warnings were raised for years in the health system, and the warnings will continue to be raised for years in the climate system.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Are humans smart enough to figure this out...I'm not sure, but I don't think that we are mindless greedy creatures. I think that culture plays a big role in how we behave. Capitalism has been poisoning our minds for a long time and it will take some time to change our views. I only hope that we haven't run out of time.

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